The most important question which many of us often ignore in our day to day life is “why?” Whenever we are doing some tasks that could be related to an official project or household tasks or little more personal tasks. Whatever they may be, there is always a way to see the tasks in a little better way by asking this simple yet profound question. When people forget to ask this question and continue working in a more mechanical way like a robot then eventually all the problems like stress, burn outs, lack of improvement, poor performance and so on props up. When Newton was just relaxing under a tree, it is said that an apple fell down over his head and that led him to think of the force of Gravity. If he had missed that opportunity of asking the question ‘why’, he would not have worked on that discovery. So, it does not matter whether it is just a normal incident or a simple task like cleaning kitchen utensils, just start asking the question ‘why?’ It does not mean that you get an answer...