The most important question which many of us often ignore in our day to day life is “why?” Whenever we are doing some tasks that could be related to an official project or household tasks or little more personal tasks. Whatever they may be, there is always a way to see the tasks in a little better way by asking this simple yet profound question. When people forget to ask this question and continue working in a more mechanical way like a robot then eventually all the problems like stress, burn outs, lack of improvement, poor performance and so on props up.
When Newton was just relaxing under a tree, it is said that an apple fell down over his head and that led him to think of the force of Gravity. If he had missed that opportunity of asking the question ‘why’, he would not have worked on that discovery. So, it does not matter whether it is just a normal incident or a simple task like cleaning kitchen utensils, just start asking the question ‘why?’ It does not mean that you get an answer for this always and immediately. You might get the answer immediately sometimes and it could take some time as well at some other times. But ensure you just start asking!
If you keep on asking ‘why’ then eventually you will end up getting an answer for it. For example, if you are an engineer and working on a project assigned by your company. As a part of finishing that project, you are doing a large number of tasks daily. If you continue to do all of them in a mechanical way, then you might end up getting bored or stressed out or get burn outs one day. But if you just pause and ask this simple question, “Why are you doing this project?” Then you will get beautiful answers like “It is going to impact millions of lives as this project is going to simplify the complex functions”, “This project is serving lakhs of people in a positive way so that they can lead a better life”, and the answer could be like this as well, “The salary given by the company is the one which feeds my family, I love my family so much and this project helps me to express my love and affection in a better way to my beloved ones” and so on.
The answers could be completely different as well and if you find no meaning of what you are doing then it is better to shift your job or business to something else which gives more meaning to your life. Sitting all alone daily for at least a few minutes or half an hour without any gadgets or any other disturbances and asking yourself the same question in a little generic way like “Why am I living? Why am I here in this world? Why did God create me?” will bring more light to your life. Not to expect answers instantly and just ask the question and stay yourself open to receive the answer. You will definitely get the answer one day! And that day will be the turning point of your life. A massive shift will happen in your life. What is the fun in living a monotonous life without even knowing the purpose? The whole existence is ready to work for your purpose if you are able to figure out what it is.
Get ready to live a more peaceful and blissful life. Start asking the simple yet profound question - “Why?”
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